Ok, the day after we were told that Mom has cancer, I woke up from a nap, came into the living room, where mom was sitting, and she started to tell me about a dream she had. She proceeded to tell me that she was at her Mothers house, whom died about 9 yrs ago. And her Mother took her to a calendar hanging on the wall; this was a 1997 calendar, with an Indian on it. Then my sister calling her on the phone awakened my Mom from her dream. My sister proceeded to tell her about Essiac tea, which my mom had in the house, but forgot about. My mom wouldn’t have known the importance of this tea, had she not received a message in the form of a dream from God.
As soon as she had finished telling me of this dream…I thought, “Wow, I just dreamt about Grandma too!” So, I told her about my dream. We were in an ethnic type restaurant, which at first I thought was Mexican; because that is the only ‘ethnic’ type food we eat. There were statues of elephants, and other statues, which I don’t quite remember. But I do remember thinking in my dream, “Why is Grandma not complaining about all these statues?” Because she took the 10 commandments very, very seriously…and a statue was an idol to her. She stopped going to the Catholic Church because of statues. In my dream, we were walking by a broken statue of a serpent type. A dragon or a snake, hard to make out…it was broken into pieces. I looked at it and said, “Awe that is a shame, maybe they can fix it.”
When I finished telling mom of this dream, we pondered what it meant. Once we figured out it was an Asian restaurant, not Mexican, because of the statues of elephants with dots in between their eyes, Mom immediately said…”My memory has been bad, I hear curry is good for your memory. Curry being used a lot in Asian foods. I thought, “Wow, God is telling us both something.”
I got online to do a search for Curry, I typed in the search box, “Curry Cancer.” Guess what popped up! Articles saying the Curry (Cur cumin) destroys Cancer. I wouldn’t have known that on my own, and wouldn’t have thought to search for it either. God is so great…I lay in bed that night, astonished by the days events. I do wonder though, about that broken serpent statue...could that symbolize the Cancer being defeated?
Here is a little about Essiac tea:
Essiac - A Remarkable Canadian Indian Remedy For Cancer
"Essiac is an herbal cancer remedy used successfully for more than 50 years to treat many forms of terminal cancer. Learn how it works, where it comes from, why the AMA vehemently opposes it, and how you can get it. Includes case histories, statements from medical doctors who endorse it, and the results from medical institutions that tested it. Find out why this amazing product is also considered to be an extremely effective immune system enhancer, even for people not suffering from a particular disease. Anyone can obtain Essiac without a prescription."
Here is an article on it…great info: