It’s Mother’s Day in heaven, and though we loved them so,
God gently called our mothers home. We knew they had to go.
They had fulfilled their task on earth. They’d served Him every day.
They loved and cared, prayed and shared. God had shown them the way.
They must be kneeling by God’s throne and asking Him to send
His love to each and every child, and every special friend.
I’m sure they’ve not forgotten their loved ones here on earth.
Their happiness must rival that of when they gave us birth.
They must feel young and strong again and equal to each task
That God would have them to fulfill. They need not even ask…
For He would know that in their hearts they know and love us still,
And that they seek to serve Him yet within His blessed will.
Perhaps they’ve joined the angel choir and sing their songs of praise,
Rejoicing in God’s presence throughout un-numbered days.
While we cannot imagine the beauty of that place,
Our mothers see and understand the wonder of God’s grace.
Yes, it’s Mother’s Day in heaven, that home beyond the blue,
And our mothers will be waiting until we join them, too.
So trust in God. Give Him your heart, refuse a life of sin.
Believe His word, accept His son, and He will let us in.
© 2004 Nona Kelley Carver